Fibromyalgia / Chronic Pain


Conditions such as Fibromyalgia and Chronic pain/fatigue can often have a psy­cho­log­i­cal or emo­tional com­po­nent that is rarely addressed by con­ven­tional med­ical treatment.This is often viewed as being all in the mind which sug­gests that the suf­ferer has some con­trol over the pain or fatigue. This type of con­di­tion is often viewed with sus­pi­cion, as if the suf­ferer is “putting the ill­ness on” just because there is no obvi­ous phys­i­cal injury. These con­di­tions have very real symp­toms which need addressing before a person’s recov­ery can begin. These symp­toms do not go away with rest, some peo­ple may wake up feel­ing unre­freshed by sleep, to the extent that peo­ple describe wak­ing up feel­ing like they have been “run over by a bus”.

This is a group designed for peo­ple who want to find sup­port and feel able to freely dis­cuss their expe­ri­ences and frus­tra­tions with oth­ers who face sim­i­lar phys­i­cal chal­lenges with­out feel­ing judged. If you or some­one you know is suf­fer­ing from chronic pain or fatigue this group aims to help unlock the unhelpful or destructive pat­terns which may be hin­der­ing your recov­ery. It will offer sup­port for both pain man­age­ment and explo­ration of the emo­tional  impact of the frus­tra­tions of life after sud­denly being struck down with this con­di­tion. Help­ing peo­ple with the depres­sion that can fol­low when you are not get­ting bet­ter what­ever you try and help you to move through depres­sion into recov­ery.

You will learn how to lis­ten to your body in order to dis­cover what your body needs to return to health.

Organised by Sollus Consultancy

Facilitated by Rachael Kellett BSc. MSc (UKCP accredited Gestalt Psychotherapist)

Would you or anyone you know be interested joining others to talk to and share similar experiences?

Register your interest here.

Ticket cost @ £40.00 per session (Concessions available for those on low incomes)

Jordans Quaker Centre,

Welders Lane, Jordans, Nr Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, HP9 2SN

Contact or 07787 242442

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