Emerging from Darkness: A Residential Winter Retreat

Dates: January 26th-28th, 2024

Venue: Charney Manor, Wantage, Oxfordshire, OX12 0EG

Cost: £280

Facilitated by Alex Wildwood and Rachael Kellett

Traditionally, winter is a time to slow down and reflect, to take stock and discern what is waiting to emerge. Our souls long to take a break from doing and savor the truth of our being. Join us for a unique opportunity to embrace the seasonal stillness and share deep stories around the comforting warmth of a crackling fire.

Retreat Schedule:

Friday, January 26th:

  • 4:00 pm: Arrivals & Tea
  • 7:00 pm: Supper
  • 7:45 pm: Session 1 – Welcome and Opening to Darkness
  • 9:30 pm: Evening Drinks

Saturday, January 27th:

  • 8:30 am: Breakfast
  • 9:30 am: Session 2 – What is emerging?
  • 11:00 am: Coffee
  • 11:30 am: Session 3 – What sustains us in the darkness?
  • 1:00 pm: Lunch
  • 2:00 pm: Resting/Time to Be
  • 4.00 pm: Tea and lighting of the fire.
  • 4:30 pm:  Betwixt & Between: a mindful walk as dusk falls, followed by what a ceremony of letting go using the fire.
  • 6:00 pm: Supper
  • 7:00 pm: Session 5 – Voices from the shadows: sharing our objects and stories
  • 9:00 pm: Evening Drinks

Sunday, January 28th:

  • 8:30 am: Breakfast
  • 9:30 am: Session 6 – Moving on in awareness
  • 11:00 am: Coffee
  • 11:30 am: Session 7 – Resting in Stillness
  • 1:00 pm: Lunch & Departures

Escape the hustle and bustle of daily life. Delve into the depths of winter, embrace the quiet, and nurture your soul. Find solace and inspiration.

Limited spaces available. Reserve your spot today.

To book, please contact us Charney Manor directly at admin@charneymanor.com or Telephone 01235 868206.

Alex Wildwood is a Quaker author and educator influenced by several spiritual lineages; he thinks of  himself as an ‘evolutionary’. Rachael Kellett is a Gestalt Psychotherapist and group facilitator who works in an embodied, relational and creative way. They both have a strong interest in group-created rituals.

Women's group therapy

Women’s Group Therapy Experience Day

Embark on a Journey of Understanding, Healing, and Growth, and Emerge Stronger

Discover Renewed Confidence and Empowerment!

Are you carrying the weight of past struggles into your present? Facing complex family dynamics or wrestled with persistent anxiety? Tired of wondering what’s wrong with you? Your journey is far from over. Our transformative group therapy is tailored for women like you – a safe haven where shared experiences converge in an atmosphere of trust. Step into a space of understanding, healing, and growth, and come away with the tools to navigate life with renewed confidence.

 Join Us for a Women’s Group Therapy Experience 🌼

  • Jordans Quaker Centre, Welders Lane, Jordans, Nr Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, HP9 2S
  •  Date to be confirmed

Investment: £100.00 for the day 

I extend a warm invitation to women of all ages who are each on their unique path of self-discovery and empowerment. Throughout this enriching journey, you will:

  • ✨ Cultivate profound self-awareness
  • ✨ Build your self-esteem
  • ✨ Unearth layers of self-knowledge
  • ✨ Embrace and celebrate your unique gifts
  • ✨ Connect deeply through shared experiences
  • ✨ Find solace in a compassionate and supportive community
  • ✨ Rewrite your narrative, revealing a stronger and more resilient version of yourself

Together, we rewrite stories, united in collective strength, and together we envision the brighter futures that await us.

Guided by a seasoned and accredited U.K.C.P Psychotherapist, these therapy experiences provide a secure space for both individual and collective growth.

If you’re ready to embrace life with renewed resilience and purpose, don’t hesitate to reach out today to learn more and secure your spot.

Contact [Your Contact Information]

Empower Your Present, and Witness Your Future Transform.

Experiential group

Presence Group

Presence: an experiential, ongoing group 

Presence is a bi-monthly  co-created, experiential, ongoing group for counsellors, psychotherapists and coaches. A group space where we each give ourselves permission to explore being more authentic. Discover our own depths, and learn how we are experienced by others. It is based on a shared  commitment to meet together and participate in a lightly structured, spontaneous process. In which, whatever emerges, allows each of us to experiment and grow in awareness. 

What you can expect

The aim is to offer a ‘contained spaciousness’. Where everyone can say what they need to say and disagreements can be safely voiced. A space in which each person has a chance to be fully seen and heard. And in addition, learn about themselves through their engagement or withdrawal at any given moment. With each person ultimately responsible for their own boundaries and choices.

A typical day includes the following practices: (however, this is subject to the unpredictability of co-creation!):

  • Initial check-in (sharing our insights/ news since the last meeting/current feelings / health concerns)
  • Open group sharing and responses/circle work
  • Experiential exercises and focusing on a theme / topic designed to bring new awareness
  • Time alone, in pairs and small groups inside or outside in nature
  • Simple, self-created ‘ceremonies’/symbolic actions witnessed by the group
  • Mindfulness & guided imagery
  • Check out at the end of the day (How are we feeling? Where are we now? Is there anything unfinished for us?)


This experiential, ongoing group meets bimonthly on dates agreed together at the beginning of the year.

9.30 am -4.00pm (with shared lunch)

The cost is £75.00

Venue: Jordans Quaker Meeting House, Jordans, Beaconsfield, Bucks., HP9 2SN

The number of participants is limited to 16

Therefore, the basic commitment asked of everyone who joins the group is to attend on the agreed dates unless illness or genuine emergencies prevent us. To share honestly – their thoughts, feelings and sensations in the moment – even if this feels uncomfortable at times. Our experience over 8 years has been that this process takes courage. Moreover, it always leads to a deeper sense of belonging and to a more authentic experience of connection to others and ourselves. Insights, self-realisation, or awareness may come at the time or on our own after the group. It is our collective experience that staying with the process as it unfolds always leads to personal growth and greater integration.

Join us

Finally, if you wish to join us, we ask that you are willing to:

  • Be as present and authentic as you can be in each moment.
  • Practise being aware of your own process. Whilst still allowing yourself and others to learn by risking getting things ‘wrong’.
  • Explore conflict and the expression of anger. Without lashing out, blaming, or permanently leaving the group.
  • Own your projections.Either at the time or as soon as you become aware.
  • Engage with the emerging process and stay with that to the best of our ability.
  • Take ownership of everything we bring to the group, of what we say  and how we act.
  • Give and receive feedback in responsible ways, without being afraid to take risks and noticing when you may be avoiding challenges.
  • Accept, welcome, and learn through differences and disagreements.
  • Look at your own defences.

In conclusion,  making the time and space in our lives to come away to a beautiful venue, and sharing a meal as part of our day. These are also  important elements in the ‘magic’ of this experiential process. ‘Jordans’ has been a crucible for personal and collective transformation for over 300 years.


In conclusion, here are some of the things past and present participants say they have most valued:

“Presence has allowed me to continue deepening my understanding of myself and the impact other people have on me and I on them. I have learned so much about group dynamics that is invaluable in my counselling work and also how to stay true to myself. All this in a supportive, life affirming and emotionally literate group”


“Honesty, sharing of vulnerability, mutual support, feeling the caring

 Safety: receiving and being in a field of compassion and acceptance

 Continuity and deep connection I don’t have elsewhere

 Growing in awareness; being appreciated for who I am and experiencing others’ generosity of spirit

 A space to grow, develop; a chunk of time set aside for myself, a chance to listen and focus on what’s really going on in my life

 Whole-self development; growing in awareness and emotional/relational competence.”


“The only group I’m in where there’s no pressure to be okay or perform – even to pretend I’m fine by the end of the day”


What is Self Care?

The term self – care is used quite a lot these days but what does it mean? For many it means finding the right life- work balance. For me self -care starts with understanding my own needs and to do that I need to be able to tune into my body and listen to what it is telling me. Before I discovered Gestalt Psychotherapy back in 1998 I had no real understanding of my own needs beyond basic needs such as tiredness, hunger and thirst. My priorities were being a good student, a good employee, pleasing others and basically spending my time “doing” and keeping busy. I struggled to allow myself time to relax unless it happened to also please someone else. I pushed myself so hard that my body eventually fought back. I developed Fibromyalgia. Chronic pain and fatigue. My body said “ENOUGH!” I had no choice but to learn about self-care.

Which areas of our life does it cover?

Self-care is unique to everyone. It is not enough to say self -care is about learning to relax and take breaks from our busy lives it is more than that. It encompasses many areas of our lives such as:

  • Health and physical well being
  • Psychological well-being, self awareness and self reflection
  • Emotional well-being and self compassion
  • Spiritual well-being
  • Personal fulfilment, meeting our goals and desires
  • Professional / work well being

4 simple ways to increase your self-care:

  1. Start a “Happiness list” on your phone

This is a document where you start to list everything that makes you happy. Ranging from your favourite food or beverage or a soak in a bubble bath to rock climbing, water skiing, or planning a round the world trip. It should ideally include a whole range of price and time brackets so that there is always something you can do from your list no matter how short on time or money you are. The beauty of it is you can add to it anytime you find yourself laughing out loud or getting a warm glow.

2. Keep a journal

A journal is an excellent tool for self reflection and for getting to know yourself. It can also help sort out your priorities as you tap into your own inner wisdom.

3. Practice Self- awareness

Develop your self awareness of what exactly your needs are so that you can find ways of meeting them. It can also help you to recognise when your life is in balance and when you might be neglecting your needs and sliding towards depletion.

4. Find a retreat or join a group with others trying to do the same thing. Look here https://www.rachael-kellett.co.uk/groups/

Experiential group

Personal Development Groups

This group is for anyone who would like the opportunity to explore their emotional issues and concerns and gain a deeper understanding of themselves in an atmosphere of safety and trust. It is also more cost effective if one to one therapy seems un-affordable.

The group aims to enhance your:

  • self- awareness,
  • self knowledge,
  • self-esteem and confidence
  • quality of life
  • awareness of how you relate to others and learn how you are seen by others
  • resilience and ability to cope with issues
  • self compassion and compassion and understanding for others

The group aims to reduce:

  • self criticism,
  • stress levels,
  • shame and guilt
  • depression
  • the influence of past experiences that prevent us moving forward

Participating in a group will benefit you by helping you to see that by sharing your experiences and hearing other people’s experiences you can be of support to each other and reduce feelings of isolation with an issue. You give each other acceptance and a sense of belonging. It helps you to explore how you relate to others and are perceived by others. You will be encouraged to experiment with new ways of relating and making connections with others. You will learn to take responsibility for your actions and your impact on others.

What will happen?


You will need to be willing to commit to a minimum of six sessions and to keeping the confidentiality of the group, the other group members and the issues brought to the group. There is no pressure to speak until you are ready and the sessions will be based on whatever emerges from the group that week.You will be encouraged to share your story and issues and your responses to what others are bringing. This includes sharing what you are thinking or feeling as someone else speaks. You will be encouraged to build respectful relationships with the other members. This then forms the basis of the support the group can offer you and the support you will be able to offer.

My style of working is embodied, relational and creative. I aim to use my creativity and authenticity to support and inspire you to live the life you want and to connect with others with kindness and respect. My hope is that my presence, experience and integrity grounds our relationship, and as a result, you too feel more centred, supported and exhilarated in your relationships with each other and outside of the group.

My intention is to nurture enough of a meaningful connection for you to engage in the group process; and feel completely comfortable to bring whatever you need to. In this way I hope to encourage you to stay with difficult issues and feelings and offer you sufficient challenge to lead to reflection and personal growth.

The cost of the group is £40.00 per person for two hours. There will be a maximum of 8 participants. If you would like to register your interest please contact me on kellettr@gmail.com or 07787242442

‘The un-examined life is not worth living’ Socrates

Jordans Quaker Centre, Welders Lane, Jordans, Nr. Beaconsfield, Bucks. HP9 2SN

Fibromyalgia / Chronic Pain


Conditions such as Fibromyalgia and Chronic pain/fatigue can often have a psy­cho­log­i­cal or emo­tional com­po­nent that is rarely addressed by con­ven­tional med­ical treatment.This is often viewed as being all in the mind which sug­gests that the suf­ferer has some con­trol over the pain or fatigue. This type of con­di­tion is often viewed with sus­pi­cion, as if the suf­ferer is “putting the ill­ness on” just because there is no obvi­ous phys­i­cal injury. These con­di­tions have very real symp­toms which need addressing before a person’s recov­ery can begin. These symp­toms do not go away with rest, some peo­ple may wake up feel­ing unre­freshed by sleep, to the extent that peo­ple describe wak­ing up feel­ing like they have been “run over by a bus”.

This is a group designed for peo­ple who want to find sup­port and feel able to freely dis­cuss their expe­ri­ences and frus­tra­tions with oth­ers who face sim­i­lar phys­i­cal chal­lenges with­out feel­ing judged. If you or some­one you know is suf­fer­ing from chronic pain or fatigue this group aims to help unlock the unhelpful or destructive pat­terns which may be hin­der­ing your recov­ery. It will offer sup­port for both pain man­age­ment and explo­ration of the emo­tional  impact of the frus­tra­tions of life after sud­denly being struck down with this con­di­tion. Help­ing peo­ple with the depres­sion that can fol­low when you are not get­ting bet­ter what­ever you try and help you to move through depres­sion into recov­ery.

You will learn how to lis­ten to your body in order to dis­cover what your body needs to return to health.

Organised by Sollus Consultancy

Facilitated by Rachael Kellett BSc. MSc (UKCP accredited Gestalt Psychotherapist)

Would you or anyone you know be interested joining others to talk to and share similar experiences?

Register your interest here.

Ticket cost @ £40.00 per session (Concessions available for those on low incomes)

Jordans Quaker Centre,

Welders Lane, Jordans, Nr Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, HP9 2SN

Contact  kellettr@gmail.com or 07787 242442


Joining and contributing to a group can be an effective way of creating change.  It is an opportunity to share your issues and concerns with others in similar situations. You benefit from being heard and listening to others. People gain insight not only from interventions from the therapist but also in interacting with each other. Participants can learn coping strategies from others suffering similar conditions and receive feedback that can promote growth and change.

In a group, participants can discover the ways in which each other deal with their condition and can often quickly apply to this insight to their own lives with great benefits.

The idea of a group can seem daunting to some. The thought of sharing with strangers problems that may have been effecting them for years can put people off. However, it is my experience that people adapt quickly to group work and within a couple of weeks are participating fully. My groups are always small (4 – 12 people). It is important to remember that one of the main shared aims of the group is to support each other and treat each other respectfully. This makes the group a safe place that most people can comfortably find their own space. Because more people are involved, the cost of attending a group is very much less than individual therapy.

Groups are an important part of my work and my experience has shown me that this is a powerful approach and often brings amazing results. I currently run a number of regular groups that focus on specific issues.  If you are looking for a group that is not mentioned here please contact me and I will try to help.